The May and Paul Poetter Scholarship

The May and Paul Poetter Scholarship is one you will keep an eye on if you have an interest in applying for a Scholarship at the Savannah College of Art and Design. Of course, almost everyone would want to attend the Savannah College of Art and Design, this is an institution that has made a name for itself as a world-class destination for those who wish to further their education.

 The institution has proven over again that it is a choice destination for High School graduates who are on the lookout for a citadel of learning that guarantees the vital importance of education. The higher institution offers students opportunities for degrees, students are to choose from the arrays of Art and Design courses, and it equally provides comprehensive course studies for its students.

Now let’s dive into our topic for this post which is, the May and Paul Poetter scholarship, we will continue to talk about Savannah College of Art and Design. This is because, so far as this scholarship is concerned, it is almost impossible to talk about one without talking about the other. After all, the Savannah College of Art and Design directly or indirectly birthed the May and Paul Poetter scholarship award.

The May And Paul scholarship award is one of the most sought programs in the United States of America, because of the illustrious nature of this program, recipients of this award are to further their education at the Savannah College of Art and Design, which happens to be one of the most prominent and best colleges in the US this, of course, makes the May and Paul scholarship a very lucrative one.

Just like almost every other award, the May and Paul Poetter scholarship award is given based on certain distinctions, this award is for students who have an interest in any Bachelor of Arts Degree at the Savannah College of Arts and Design. Once being given the scholarship, your tuition fee will be paid perennial by the organizers.

We are going to further buttress the relationship between the May and Paul Poetter scholarship and the Savannah College of Arts and Design.

Savannah College Of Arts and Design(SCAD)

Savannah College of a

Art and Design is one of the best colleges in the United States of America if not the best. Paula Wallace, Richard G. Gowan, May L. Poetter and Paul E.Poetter  all joined hands together to establish the Savannah college of art and design in 1978.

Before 1978, college degree programs were unattainable in Southeast Georgia, this necessitated the pioneers mentioned above to establish the Savannah College of Art and Design. They wanted to give something to their community, something that will attract men from all walks of life to Southeast Georgia. They achieved this by founding this illustrious college in 1978.

The building of this world-class institution lured students from not only the United States of America but all over the world to southeast Georgia. Most of the Alumni of this great institution who specializes in Art and Design is now established, In their different Fields, making a huge impact on society. Let us now look at some of the degree programs offered by Savannah College of Art and Design

Some degree programs offered by the Savannah college of arts and design

Some of these educational programs range from the following Schools;

  • School of Liberal Arts,
  • School of Visual Communication
  • School of Film And Acting
  • School of Design
  • School of Liberal Arts
  • School of Creative Technology
  • De Sole  School of Business Innovation School of Fashion
  • School of Building Arts
  • School of Animation and Motion

you may be interested to know about the courses available in this great institution. The truth is the SavannahCollege of Art and Design always offers degree programs in the institution, it is almost impossible not to get a choice course at Savannah.

With huge success and learning centers across the world, the Savannah College of Art and Design offers an astonishing more than 100 degree programs this programs includes; Animation, Advertising, Accessory Design, Architecture,Art History, Architectural History,Design for Sustainability, Business of Beauty and Fragrance, Creative Business Leadership, Dramatic Writing,Design Management, Equestrian Studies, Fashion Marketing and Management, Fashion,Fibers,Film and Television, Furniture Design, Graphics Design, Immersive Reality, Illustration, Industrial Design, Interactive Design and Game Management, Jewelry,Interior Design, Luxury and Brand Management, Painting, Motion Media Design, Performing Arts, Production Design, Preservation Design, Photography,Painting, Sculpture, Service Design,User Experience Research, Writing,Visual Effects, Themed Entertainment Design,User Experience Design Etc…

The Savannah College of Art and Design as an exceptional institution offers a lot of quality contribution to its students, this prepares students who will go on to make high positive impact that is life-changing in the society. This is achieved by embodying a positive mindset, blended with the provision of an adequate and world-class learning environment for students.

They equally empower scholars with high-impact innovative skills, when it comes to lecturers in this institution, professors’ with world-class and up-to-date academic experience employed, these professors work hand-in-hand with the students to achieve high-quality education. There’s no doubt SCAD provides a rich educational curriculum for students in preparation for a high-level professional occupation after school.

The May and Paul Poetter Scholarship

You may be wondering why we discuss so much about Savannah College of Art and Design instead of the May and Paul Poetter scholarship. The truth is, the Savannah College of Art and Design gave birth to the May and Paul Poetter scholarship.

 We wouldn’t be talking about the scholarship today if Savannah wasn’t in existence, this is because May and Paul Poetter whom this scholarship is given under their name, were part of the main Forerunners of the institution and the scholarship.

The scholarship program just like every other scholarship is meant to reduce the burden of financing higher education for recipients. This award is meant to support United States residents who wish to attend the Savannah College of Art and Design.

However, the scholarship is not limited to those in the US alone, foreign students who want to acquire a degree education in the United States on scholarship can equally benefit from this program.

This is to say, if you are not in the US but have an interest in this scholarship program, you can always fill out the form and follow every other process, you might be lucky and get accepted for this scholarship.

What you need to know about the May and Paul Poetter Scholarship

The scholarship is open to American citizens and residents in the US it is also open for international students studying degree programs at the Savannah College of Art and Design. The scholarship covers the total cost of the tuition of successful applicants; it is, however, renewable annually until the end of the bachelor’s degree program.

 It is expected that recipients must contribute positively and not in any dangerous manner to the growth of the University community. you are fully expected to maintain a GPA of at least 3.0 within your first year with a certain GPA expected of you subsequently.

Scholarship Requirements

For you to be eligible for the mail and Paul Porter scholarship award the following requirements are expected to be met by you

SCAD is an institution that largely operates on Arts and Innovations,

  •  Applicants are expected to display a high level of artistic prowess
  • Must be a freshman with a clean academic record and personality
  • You are expected to possess a minimum CGPA of around 3.0, anything below that automatically dents your eligibility
  • Your SAT score shouldn’t be less than 1450 which is the minimum
  • The institution has over the years proven it has the capacity of producing men of great leadership qualities, as a potential applicant, you must be able to demonstrate a high level of leadership qualities in you.
  • You must equally prove beyond reasonable doubt how you have given back to the community.
  • You are expected to be among the top five applicants before you will be awarded the scholarship.
  • Your academic achievement must be among the top 5%  in terms of academic achievements.
  • You must be willing to participate in extracurricular activities in the institution.

Application procedures and conclusion

Once you verify that you are eligible for this scholarship additional materials will be asked to be submitted by you, this material will be thoroughly looked at by the scholarship board, also take note that this scholarship is highly competitive, people from different parts of the country in their numbers do apply for the scholarship year in year out, so you must be at your absolute best in terms of filling the application forms, submitting all necessary documents.

 You must make sure that you can do all these things on time because the scholarship is given to those who meet the requirements as early as possible.

Those who meet the requirement for me and Paul Poetter’s scholarship should apply.


By now, you must have understood everything about the May and Paul Poetter Scholarship, I urge you to proceed with your application as soon as possible. Good luck

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